Friday, August 26, 2011

Look Whooooos Back!

Well after a verrrrry long break I am back and I'm ready to get right back in the swing of things! I had a very good (and very cute!) reason for taking such a long break:Almost a year ago I had my second child, Danika, and I haven't done anything crafty since. Its hard when little fingers and demanding schedules are always getting in the way :)

Since my daughter is the reason I took time off from crafting I thought it only fitting that the first project I should post are the invitations I am making for her birthday party.
I am happy with the end product and am now in mid-process with getting all the pieces done and put together. I love the owl and we will be going with an owl theme for the party so I thought these fit in rather nicely. I will be posting some more birthday owl crafts as the party date gets closer, so stay tuned!!